Thursday 29 September 2011

The First 'Wahyu' of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

Thursday, 23rd September 2011...

      Our first class of Instructional Technology has begun. We are so excited to learn this wonderful subject with our beloved lecturer, named madam Dr. Sharifah Sariah binti Syed Hassan … Alhamdulillah, we praise to Allah because on that day, we enjoy learning and the most important thing that we also get knew knowledge about learning theories in terms of Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Constructivism. Besides, on the first lecture our lecturer have share a precious story about the first revelation received by our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w happened in Hira’ Cave. The Gabriel came and said to Muhammad: Read! And Muhammad said: I cannot read. After that, the Gabriel asks Muhammad to read again in 3 times. Finally, he felt so scare and exhausted. Thus, the Gabriel hugs Him to calm our Prophet. So, it clearly has shown the important of learning.

Hira' Cave

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